Open forum on strategic plan draft is Sept. 10

AMES, Iowa -- An open forum for discussion of the first draft of Iowa State University's next strategic plan will be held Friday, Sept. 10.

"The draft is very much a work in progress at this point and we welcome all comments and suggestions," said Benjamin Allen, VP for academic affairs, provost and chair of the strategic planning committee.

The forum will be from 9 to 10 a.m. in the Memorial Union Gallery. Comments on the first draft of the plan also can be submitted to through Friday, Sept. 17.

Under the current draft, Iowa State would focus its energy over the next five years on four main priorities -- strengthening the undergraduate experience to enhance student success, increasing the number of nationally recognized programs that are known as the very best in their fields, achieving preeminence in translating discoveries into products and services with a focus on building Iowa's economy and a sustainable future, and enhancing the quality of life on campus and throughout the state.

The university's long-term aspiration under the draft is to "be one of the world's leading universities in educating students and putting science and technology to work."

The first draft of the plan is online at