Cyclone Graduation Celebrations provide in-person option for students

Decorated mortarboard at commencement

AMES, Iowa – Iowa State University is holding in-person graduation events on May 7-8 for students graduating this spring and summer.

An estimated 5,094 students will earn degrees this month, and another 761 students are expected to complete their degrees this summer. ISU Registrar Jennifer Suchan says more than 4,200 spring and summer graduates have indicated they'll participate in person, including more than 3,600 bachelor's degree recipients. Both of those numbers shatter participation records from spring 2019.

"We are excited to celebrate our graduates and be able to offer an in-person event after the pandemic," Suchan said.

Traditional commencement ceremonies at Hilton Coliseum on Friday, May 7, will honor professional veterinary medicine students and doctoral students from all other colleges. Cyclone Graduation Celebrations at Jack Trice Stadium, which include key components of graduation, are planned for master’s students on Friday and undergraduates, by college, Saturday morning and afternoon.

The undergraduate college celebrations, recognizing an estimated 4,333 spring graduates – 260 to 790 at a time – start at 9 a.m. Saturday. A celebration will begin every 90 minutes, alternating between platforms on the stadium's east and west field tarmacs, with the final undergraduate celebration beginning at 4:30 p.m. Details for each college celebration is available on the graduation and commencement website (see sidebar for schedule).

Cyclones Care protocols are required at Hilton and Jack Trice. All events will be livestreamed, and prerecorded content will be available on the livestream site beginning Friday morning.

Celebration in a box

The registrar's team prepared graduation celebration boxes for all spring and summer graduating students. Each box contains an Iowa State picture frame, postcard message from President Wendy Wintersteen, ceramic Cy coaster, vehicle window decal, lapel pin, six-month digital membership to the ISU Alumni Association, diploma cover for students not attending their ceremony in person, commencement program and honor cords, if applicable.

Suchan says on the first day boxes were available for pick-up, 1,260 students showed up at the registrar's office for their gift.

"They're so thankful to the university and to President Wintersteen for offering an in-person event," Suchan said. "It was great to see their energy and their joy."