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Monday, July 26 2004


Wendy WhiteWhite

Got fat? You need it to reap cancer-prevention benefits of vegetables

You've been eating a mixed greens salad for lunch for years now. Is it possible that the absence of fat in that salad has prevented your body from absorbing cancer-fighting carotenoids? Wendy White, associate professor of food science and human nutrition, has some surprising answers based on a recent study.

See news release.

Wells president of psychology-law group

Psychology professor Gary Wells has been elected president of the American Psychology-Law Society, an organization dedicated to research and public service in psychology and law. An expert on the reliability of eyewitness accounts of crime, Wells has consulted or spoken to police, judges, and attorneys in 40 states and Canada as well as the U.S. Department of Justice.

See news release.

Braue commander of ROTC Army detachment

Lt. Col. Lawrence A. Braue been appointed commander of the Reserve Officer Training Corp (ROTC) Army detachment at Iowa State. Braue was executive officer of the ROTC unit at the University of South Florida.

See news release.

Agriculture, veterinary medicine and natural resources news from Iowa State University

Learn about compost blankets for roadway embankments, what the agritourism industry in Europe can teach Iowans, and the status of wine production in the Iowa in July's ag, veterinary medicine and natural resources news from Iowa State.

See tip.


John ThomsonThomson


ISU selects new Veterinary Medicine dean

Dr. John Thomson, dean of veterinary medicine at Mississippi State University, Starkville, and a former Iowa State University faculty member, will become dean of ISU's College of Veterinary Medicine Aug. 16. He replaces Dean Norman Cheville, who is retiring. Thomson, a clinical epidemiologist, was selected following a nine-month nationwide search.

See news release.

Mark PowerPower

College of Business appoints Principal Financial Group Faculty Fellow

Mark Power, professor of finance in Iowa State University's College of Business, has been appointed the Principal Financial Group Faculty Fellow. The fellowship is for a five-year term, recognizing Power's research, service to the college and university, and commitment to teaching excellence.

See news release.


Anthony HendricksonHendrickson

ISU College of Business names Accenture Faculty Fellow

ISU's College of Business has named Anthony Hendrickswon as its first Accenture Faculty Fellow in Management Information Systems. Hendrickson is associate dean of graduate programs and associate professor of management information systems. The fellowship recognizes Hendrickson's contributions to the profession, the college and to the education of students.

See news release.