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Friday, April 11 2008


Dave and Ellen Raisbeck establish endowed deans chair in the ISU College of Business

An endowed deans chair has been established in the Iowa State University College of Business thanks to a $3 million commitment from Dave and Ellen Raisbeck from Shorewood, Minn. The endowed fund will provide perpetual funding for college priorities and will be administered by the dean of the College of Business.

News release.

3M Foundation commits $500,000 to the Engineering Leadership Program at ISU

The College of Engineering has received a $500,000 commitment from the 3M Foundation for the Engineering Leadership Program. In addition to a $500,000 gift in 2005, this brings 3Ms total contributions to $1 million for the program.

News release.

Hasselstrom lecture cancelled

Rancher and author Linda Hasselstrom cancelled her April 11 lecture on campus. A major snowstorm in western Nebraska prevented her from getting to Ames.


Harvard professor will discuss global impact of private equity in Miller Lecture, April 23

Josh Lerner, the Jacob H. Schiff Professor of Investment Banking at the Harvard Business School, will share what he learned from a study on the economic impact of private equity for the World Economic Forum during a free public talk on Wednesday, April 23, at 10:45 a.m. in Room 2117 of the Gerdin Business Building. The event is part of the F. Wendell Miller Lecture Series.

News release.

ISU graduate student writes children's book on food safety

Armitra Jackson, a Ph.D. graduate student in meat science at ISU, just wrote the book "The Birthday to Remember Forever," which is the first in the series "Eating Safe with Ace and Mace." The series is geared toward children in kindergarten through fourth grade and focuses on the importance of handling food in a safe manner so that foodborne illnesses are prevented.

News release.

Alumni and friends to be honored at celebration

Twelve individuals and one corporation will be presented with Iowa State University's most prestigious honors from the Iowa State University Alumni Association and ISU Foundation April 11 at the annual Distinguished Awards Celebration.

News release.

Controversial environmentalist will speak April 16

Bjorn Lomborg, author of "The Skeptical Environmentalist" will speak on "The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming" at 6 p.m., Wednesday, April 16 in the Memorial Union Sun Room. The World Affairs Series lecture is free and open to the public.

News release.

U. S. deputy undersecretary of defense to speak April 15

The principal logistics official within the senior management of the U.S. Department of Defense will speak as part of the World Affairs Series. Jack Bell, deputy undersecretary of defense, will speak on "Department of Defense Operations in the 21st Century" at 8 p.m., Tuesday, April 15 in the Memorial Union Sun Room.

News release.

Nation's only three-term woman governor is ISU's spring Mary Louise Smith Chair

Madeleine Kunin, the first and only woman to serve as governor bof Vermont and former ambassador to Switzerland, will be ISU's Spring 2008 Mary Louise Smith Chair in Women and Politics on Thursday, April 24. The nation's only three-term woman governor (1985-1991), Kunin will discuss her new book, "Pearls, Politics, and Power: How Women Can Win and Lead," in a free, public presentation at 7:30 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.

News release.

Iowa State architecture professor receives national recognition

Architecture Professor Gregory Palermo is one of three in the nation to receive the Distinguished Professor Award from the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.

News release.

National association honors design faculty with creative achievement award

A team of Iowa State faculty, representing all four College of Design departments, has received a 2007-2008 Creative Achievement Award from the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. They won for development of Design Science, an experimental course that introduces students to the fundamental relationship between science and design in their first year of college.

News release.

Superdelegate founder returns to ISU this week, discusses role with political scientists

U.S. Ambassador and former chair of the Democratic National Committee Charles Manatt founded the party's current superdelegate system back in 1983. A 1958 ISU graduate, Manatt will be back on campus Thursday through Saturday, April 10-12, as one of the five recipients of an ISU Distinguished Alumni Award.

News release.

Iowa Lakes Community College and ISU announce partnership

Iowa State and Iowa Lakes Community College are making it more convenient for Iowa Lakes students who want to earn an associate degree and transfer to Iowa State to earn their four-year degree. Iowa Lakes Community College President Harold Prior and ISU President Gregory Geoffroy announced the joint admission program at a news conference today at the Estherville campus of Iowa Lakes.

News release.

Relationship of plants and climate change is subject of upcoming ISU conference

ISU's Plant Sciences Institute is hosting a mini-conference "Plants and Climate Change." The conference will provide information from a panel of experts to help Iowans plan ways to contribute effectively to climate change solutions.

News release.

Tornadoes on TV

The History Channel's "The Universe" show will feature footage of Iowa State University's Tornado/Microburst Simulator during its "Wildest Weather in the Cosmos" episode this week.

News release.

Should real profits in virtual worlds be taxed? ISU professors say there's a way to do it

Four professors from ISU's College of Business have recommended some tax methods for income accumulated in the 3D virtual world Second Life in a pair of recent research papers.

News release.

ISU endowed chair named for George Washington Carver

With support from the state of Iowa and a private donor, Iowa State University has established an endowed faculty chair in the name of its first African-American student and faculty member, world-renowned scientist George Washington Carver

News release.

Astronaut Clayton Anderson will headline Iowa State University's Veishea celebration

Iowa State University's first astronaut, Clayton Anderson, is coming back to Ames to help students, faculty, staff and alumni celebrate Veishea 2008.

News release.