News Archive
Wednesday, April 4 2012
Iowa State University student is named a prestigious Goldwater Scholar for 2012

An Iowa State University biochemistry student who someday wants to earn a doctoral degree and conduct research has been named a 2012 Goldwater Scholar. Sam Condon is one of 282 United States sophomores and juniors this year awarded the nation's premier undergraduate scholarship award in mathematics, natural sciences and engineering. The scholarships were announced by Iowa State's University Honors Program, which coordinates nominations and applications. Christian Setzer and Prasad Raman, both third-year aerospace engineering students, earned honorable mention in this year's Goldwater competition.
Invisible Children co-founder will speak April 9
Bobby Bailey, co-founder of Invisible Children -- the organization responsible for the recent viral online video about Ugandan war criminal Joseph Kony -- will speak at Iowa State University. His talk, "A Decade in Pursuit of Kony: The Unorthodox Ways of Building a Movement," will be at 8 p.m. Monday, April 9, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. He is hosted by the ISUganda group and is part of the university's World Affairs series. His talk is free and open to the public.
Former USA Today editor and founder Ken Paulson will speak April 11

Ken Paulson, distinguished editor, lawyer, and president and CEO of the First Amendment Center, will speak at Iowa State about how the generational shift in news and information consumption - along with a digitally driven society - will reshape journalism, free expression and democracy. His talk, "Re-booting America: News for a New Generation," will be at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 11, in the Memorial Union Pioneer Room. It is part of the 10th anniversary of Iowa State's First Amendment Day Celebration, and is free and open to the public.
"Mindless Eating" author to speak April 5

Brian Wansink, author and food psychology researcher, will speak on "Beating Mindless Eating" at 8 p.m. Thursday, April 5, in the Memorial Union South Ballroom. The author of "Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think," Wansink is internationally recognized for his research on food psychology and its implications for consumer marketing, medicine and human nutrition. His talk is free and open to the public.

Engineer discloses Iowa States 4,000th invention for possible commercialization
Iowa State University researchers have disclosed their 4,000th invention to the university's research foundation. That's 4,000 inventions that have been studied for patent protection and commercial potential. The 4,000th invention happens to be software that compresses 3-D images for easier storage on a computer.
Student designer Zachary Davis works with student model Hannah Adams on the fitting for his fashion show entry. Photo by Allison Butler, The Fashion Show 2012
30th Annual Textiles and Clothing Fashion Show set for April 14
30th annual Iowa State University Textiles and Clothing Fashion
Show will take place on Saturday, April 14, at 7 p.m. in
Stephens Auditorium. Student models wearing over 100 designs
will walk the runway, with a separate exhibition for displayed
entries available for viewing prior to the show at 6 p.m. This
year's show will also feature a menswear line by
award-winning guest designer and Iowa State alumnus Todd