News Archive
Thursday, May 5 2005
Fire safety goes high-tech
A new fire safety program will use Iowa State's virtual reality facilites to put children in a computer-generated fire. The exercise will be realistic and safe.
New dairy farm plans OKed
Final plans for Iowa State's new dairy farm got the greenlight from the Board of Regents May 5. When completed, the new farm is expected to be among the premiere dairy education and research facilities in the nation.
New facility will be dedicated to academic success
Iowa State students will soon have a new facility dedicated to improving academic achievement and increasing student retention and graduation rates. Donors committed $10 million to establish the center.
71 on promotion, tenure list
The Board of Regents approved tenure, promotions or both for 71 Iowa State faculty on May 5. Twenty-nine faculty were promoted to the rank of professor, 39 were promoted to the rank of associate professor with tenure, and three faculty were tenured without promotion.
Associate director of teacher ed program named
Veronica Stalker has been named associate director of Iowa State's teacher education program.
Students collaborate on collapsible doors
Collapsible door project teaches future designers the art of collaboration.
Schwartz Award to Wayne Davis
Wayne P. Davis, a former community newspaper publisher and past Iowa State public relations staff member and journalism instructor, will receive the 2005 James W. Schwartz Award for Distinguished Service to Journalism and Communication.
Gas from switchgrass is researcher's goal
Iowa State scientist Robert Brown, who hopes that machines of the future will be powered by gas made from switchgrass, is The Science Coalition's "Researcher in the News."
Two veterinary medicine faculty address international agroterrorism
Two Iowa State University veterinarians will speak at the first International Symposium on Agroterrorism. They'll talk about the livestock industry's vulnerability to an agroterrorist attack and what can be done to improve preparedness.
Researchers eye child care industry and economy
Iowa State researchers have, for the first time, studied and documented the impact of Iowa's $402.5 million child care industry on the state's economy.
Two more Human Sciences dean finalists to campus
Two more finalists for dean of the new College of Human Sciences will visit campus the first week in May.

Cuddly bunny or wascally wabbit?
Three bronze scultures recently added to Reiman Gardens symbolize our love-hate relationship with the cute creatures that are devouring our plants.
Commencement May 6-7
A variety of commencement activities are planned at Iowa State May 6-7. An estimated 3,223 students will receive degrees from Iowa State at the conclusion of spring semester.
Conference on tailoring plants for energy, products
The Midwest could someday replace the Mideast as the center of energy production if researchers can develop plants that more readily convert their leaves, stalks and other fibers into energy and biobased products. At a May 16 conference, experts will explore this challenge.