News Archive
Tuesday, April 10 2012
Undergraduates showcase their research and creative expression at ISU April 17

What's the best light setting for public spaces? Can resistant starches help prevent colorectal cancer? How does foot rotation during stair navigation affect knee motion and injury? These are just a few of more than 100 research projects Iowa State students will share during the university's sixth annual Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression. The symposium will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 17, in the Memorial Union. The event is free and open to the public.
April 18 forum to focus on biotechnology, regulation, trade and coexistence
Iowa State University's Biosafety Institute for Genetically Modified Agricultural Products (BIGMAP) will welcome experts to discuss the role of regulation in biotechnology and genetically modified agriculture production at an April 18 symposium, "Agricultural Biotechnology Regulation, Trade and Coexistence." BIGMAP's ninth annual conference runs from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. at the Gateway Hotel and Conference Center in Ames. Register now; ISU faculty and staff may attend free of charge, but must respond by 5 p.m. April 12.

Iowa State researchers find, test winds extending far away from Alabama tornados path
Christopher Karstens, an Iowa State University doctoral student from Atlantic, was studying a deadly Alabama tornado when he noticed high winds from the storm travelled along valleys and knocked down trees. He built a 3-D model of that Alabama terrain and is using Iowa State's Tornado/Microburst Simulator to confirm rough, complex terrain can channel tornado winds.
Iverson to receive 2012 Greenlee School James W. Schwartz Award

Barbara Riedesel Iverson, president of Weber Shandwick's financial services industry practice and 1976 Iowa State journalism graduate, has been chosen as this year's recipient of the James W. Schwartz Award for Distinguished Service to Journalism and Communication. Iverson will be presented the award on Friday, Oct. 26, in Hamilton Hall as part of ISU's homecoming activities.

Iowa State kinesiology professor Rick Sharp called upon Cyclone swimmers (L to R) Amanda Paulson, Bri Carlberg and Imelda Wistey to test out Speedo's new Fastskin®3 Racing System.
ISU's Sharp continues to assist Speedo in design of Fastskin³® Racing System
Iowa State will be on display at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival this summer

Iowa State will be center stage in Washington, D.C., this summer when the nation celebrates the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Morrill Act and creation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Iowa State is one of 17 universities selected to participate in the 2012 Smithsonian Folklife Festival (June 27-July 1 and July 4-8) on the National Mall. Iowa State's exhibit, "Transforming Communities: Design in Action," will highlight the university's unique partnership between the College of Design and Extension and Outreach. It is the only exhibit that will focus on design.
Iowa State University student is named a prestigious Goldwater Scholar for 2012

An Iowa State University biochemistry student who someday wants to earn a doctoral degree and conduct research has been named a 2012 Goldwater Scholar. Sam Condon is one of 282 United States sophomores and juniors this year awarded the nation's premier undergraduate scholarship award in mathematics, natural sciences and engineering. The scholarships were announced by Iowa State's University Honors Program, which coordinates nominations and applications. Christian Setzer and Prasad Raman, both third-year aerospace engineering students, earned honorable mention in this year's Goldwater competition.
Former USA Today editor and founder Ken Paulson will speak April 11

Ken Paulson, distinguished editor, lawyer, and president and CEO of the First Amendment Center, will speak at Iowa State about how the generational shift in news and information consumption - along with a digitally driven society - will reshape journalism, free expression and democracy. His talk, "Re-booting America: News for a New Generation," will be at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 11, in the Memorial Union Pioneer Room. It is part of the 10th anniversary of Iowa State's First Amendment Day Celebration, and is free and open to the public.
Student designer Zachary Davis works with student model Hannah Adams on the fitting for his fashion show entry. Photo by Allison Butler, The Fashion Show 2012
30th Annual Textiles and Clothing Fashion Show set for April 14
30th annual Iowa State University Textiles and Clothing Fashion
Show will take place on Saturday, April 14, at 7 p.m. in
Stephens Auditorium. Student models wearing over 100 designs
will walk the runway, with a separate exhibition for displayed
entries available for viewing prior to the show at 6 p.m. This
year's show will also feature a menswear line by
award-winning guest designer and Iowa State alumnus Todd