News Archive
Monday, June 4 2007
ISU political scientists ponder Thompson's GOP entry, Clinton's Iowa strategy
Two Iowa State political scientists assess Fred Thompson's decision to run for the Republican presidential nomination among an already crowded field, and why national party favorite Hillary Clinton just can't seem to overtake John Edwards for the polling lead among likely Iowa caucus voters on the Democratic side.
Iowa State experts primed to discuss effects of high gasoline prices
Iowa State University faculty and staff experts are available to provide comment on the societal and economic ramifications of such high gasoline prices, as well as some alternative options.
Statement from President Geoffroy
ISU President Gregory Geoffroy issues a statement in response to questions about Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez's tenure appeal at Iowa State.

Cyclones win 'dominant mascot' title
The Cyclones have won the "most dominant college mascot" tourney sponsored by CBS In the final contest, the Cyclones bested the Arkansas Razorbacks by pulling 53 percent of the online vote. An active Cyclone Facebook group spurred Cyclone voters.
Iowa State's Aluru named Computerworld Laureate for corn genome work
The Computerworld Honors Program is honoring Srinivas Aluru, Stanley Chair in Interdisciplinary Engineering and a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Iowa State University, as a Laureate for developing software technology that's helping researchers assemble and analyze the corn genome.
Spouses working equally hard but need more vacation, says ISU economist
ISU economist Wallace Huffman just completed a research paper on the changing structure of U.S. household production over the post-World War II period. In it, he considered such issues as the amount of work done in the labor market and at home, separation of labor among married couples, and mens and womens leisure time and its impact on productivity.
ISU student brightens up New York City, wins international lighting award
Iowa State University student Jorge Encarnacion was awarded the Beyond Illumination Scholarship at the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) annual trade show and conference, LIGHTFAIR 2007, held in New York City this month.
Iowa State dedicates $4.7 million lab that probes down to individual atoms
Iowa State University will dedicate the new Keck Laboratory for High Throughput Atom-Scale Analysis at 2 p.m. Wednesday, May 30, with a ceremony in the Alliant Energy-Lee Liu Auditorium in Howe Hall. The program will be followed by a reception and tours of the lab in Room 3022 of Sweeney Hall. The lab features one of four atom probe microscopes at U.S. universities.
Reiman Gardens puts down roots in Washington, D.C., for summer
Iowa State's Reiman Gardens has been chosen to participate in a summer exhibit called "Celebrating America's Public Gardens" at the U.S. Botanic Garden in Washington, D.C., this summer.

Watching Gov. Culver sign the bill are (from left): ISU President Gregory Geoffroy, Lt. Gov. Patty Judge, and Iowa senators Robert Stewart (Maquoketa), Rich Olive (Story City) and Bill Dotzler (Waterloo).
Culver signs Power Fund bill at Iowa State
Iowa Gov. Chet Culver visited the ISU Food Sciences Building May 23 to sign the Iowa Power Fund Policy bill into law. Power fund monies will be used for investments in research and development in the new energy economy. Culver pointed out that Iowa State and the other regents institutions will play an important role the development of biofuels and other energy alternatives.
ISU school superintendent program gets unconditional approval from state board
ISU's school superintendent preparation program was the only one in the state to receive unconditional approval for a period of four years from the Iowa State Board of Education earlier this month.
Reiman Gardens exhibit at U.S. Botanic Garden
Iowa State's Reiman Gardens is one of 20 public gardens participating in an exhibit called "Celebrating America's Public Gardens" at the U.S. Botanic Garden in Washington D.C. this summer. The exhibit runs May 26 through Oct. 8 and celebrates the importance and diversity of public gardens across the country. Reiman Gardens will be represented alongside public gardens from several states including California, Florida and Hawaii. The United State Botanical Garden and the American Public Gardens Association is sponsoring the exhibit.
Iowa State formula race car cracks top 20 for third year in a row
Iowa State University's Formula SAE Team is becoming a fixture in the top-20 of an international competition that has students designing, building and racing mini Formula 1-style race cars. Over the past three years, Iowa State's team has finished 18th, seventh and now 18th.
Iowa State conference to help Iowa small businesses win federal innovation funds
The first Iowa State University conference to help Iowa businesses win federal innovation and technology transfer dollars will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 5, in the Scheman Building at the Iowa State Center.