News Archive
Friday, February 1 2008
Iowa State chemists track how drug changes, blocks flu virus
Two Iowa State University chemists have discovered an anti-virus drug attacks influenza A by changing the motion and structure of a proton channel necessary for the virus to infect healthy cells. Mei Hong, the John D. Corbett Professor in Chemistry at Iowa State, said the findings are particularly important because mutations of the type A virus are resistant to the anti-virus drug.

An illustration of the structure of an enzyme.
Iowa State researcher studies how enzymes break down cellulose
Iowa State University's Peter Reilly is working to understand how the structures of enzymes influence their mechanism and activity in breaking down cellulose. His work is opening doors for new and better applications of enzymes. Better enzymes, for example, could be a key to making the production of cellulosic ethanol more efficient and more economical.
ISU becomes affiliate of Keep Iowa Beautiful
Iowa State is the first higher education institution in the state to earn affiliation with Keep Iowa Beautiful. The organization assists local cleanup and beautification through research, education and public awareness. The affiliation will provide the Keep Iowa State Beautiful committee with access to statewide resources and opportunities.

'Make Me A World'
ISU graduate student Marcus Glenn (right) was among Iowa State students who made education presentations to high school and middle school students during the "I'll Make Me A World in Iowa" celebration in Des Moines Jan. 25-26. The event highlighted African-American arts, culture and contributions.
New entrepreneurial professorship established in Veterinary Medicine
Iowa State is establishing one of the nation's first professorships in veterinary entrepreneurial studies.
Geoffroy's vision: Make ISU a model of energy efficiency
President Gregory Geoffroy envisions Iowa State University as a model of energy efficiency -- a university that leads the way in conserving and minimizing its impact on global climate change. He recently created a 16-member advisory committee to help him pursue that vision.
Mid-year fund-raising totals up
The Iowa State University Foundation reports a 66 percent increase in fund raising only six months into the fiscal year, with $84.3 million in private support from more than 34,000 donors.
Making time fly: ISU professor studies how to moderate waiting time with customers
Deanne Brocato, an assistant professor of marketing at ISU, led a research team on a study examining the waiting experiences of 844 customers in the banking and hair-cutting service industries from two medium-sized metropolitan areas in the southeastern United States. Their study offers advice on how businesses can moderate their waiting lines.
DOE selects ISU for 2009 DOE Solar Decathlon competition
The U.S. Department of Energy has selected Iowa State as one of 20 teams from four countries to compete in the fourth Solar Decathlon in fall of 2009 in Washington, D.C. Teams design, build and operate attractive and energy-efficient solar-powered homes. The Solar Decathlon has developed into one of the premiere venues in the U.S. for research and development into green building technologies. Iowa State's is the first Solar Decathlon team from Iowa.

Hawkeye Community College students who plan to attend Iowa State gather with Hawkeye president Greg Schmitz (left) and ISU President Gregory Geoffroy at the signing ceremony.
ISU and Hawkeye Community College sign admissions partnership
Iowa State University President Gregory Geoffroy signed an admissions partnership agreement with Hawkeye Community College Greg Schmitz, today in Cedar Rapids. The agreement makes it more convenient for Hawkeye students who want to earn a bachelor's degree to transfer to ISU.